The Safety Statistics Reporting Program is designed for simple,
confidential tracking of a small set of safety data. The collection
and reporting of these safety statistics is an important way for AWO
and our members to support continuous safety improvement in our
industry, since it is impossible to improve what the industry does
not measure.
In using the program, participants have access to a valuable member
benefit that allows the production of reports and tools to benchmark
and compare their data against their self-selected operating sector
(inland, inland fleeting, and coastal/coastal harbor) and AWO’s
membership overall. Participants may also view an anonymous ranking
based on the reportable safety factors, available by industry sector
and across all users.
Your participation in the program helps AWO tell the story of our
members’ commitment to safety by allowing us to benchmark member
safety performance against the towing industry as a whole, the
transportation industry overall, and all U.S. workplaces. With your
regular and timely data entry, we can also engage our member safety
professionals to analyze aggregate data, identify opportunities for
improvement, and measure progress over time. Beginning in 2021, the
Safety Leadership Advisory Panel will release an annual Safety
Statistics Reporting Program report. This report will highlight
trends in the data on crew fatalities, injuries and more.
SSRP data is tracked quarterly. Data is requested at the end of the
month following each quarter’s close – on April 30, July 31, October
31, and January 31. The SSRP allows for companies to enter
historical data at any time, so you can fill in gaps from past years
(back to 2016, when the program was established) when you log your
most recent entry.
The data collected are vessel crew man hours, crew fatalities,
recordable injuries, lost-time injuries, falls overboard, spills,
and volume of spills. If your company uses the Responsible Carrier
Program as the basis for its safety management system, you are
already tracking these particular data points.
Data security is of the utmost importance. AWO understands that
program participants must have high confidence that the sensitive
data they entrust to SSRP will be protected from incursion and legal
discovery. Salix Data is the company who administers and hosts the
SSRP program on a secure website on AWO’s behalf to ensure
participant anonymity and confidentiality. Data submitted into SSRP
is secured and is considered confidential. The data is solely
intended to provide reporting of safety statistics. Any other use of
this data is strictly prohibited.